At our meeting members heard about the need for increased funding to sustain existing programs in Africa in the wake of ebola and other world crises. At the same time we have been encouraged by the SLF to try to raise more money to fund initiatives that advocate for systemic change in African society. Some Royal City Gogos responded enthusiastically to the request for more and set the bar high for our efforts but, in private, a member asked, "How much is enough?" It's a question we ask ourselves as we strive to find balance in our lives. By what Stephen Lewis calls "the inexplicable lottery of fate" most Canadians have adequate means, leisure time, access to education and health care. I believe If each one who is able, focussed on one need at home or abroad and gave it her all, the world be a much better place. Royal City Gogos have chosen their focus.... African grandmothers and their children. We can't respond to all the needs in the world, but we CAN do our best with this small piece. How much is enough for the Grandmothers Campaign? Each of us will find our own answer to this question and it may alter from month to month depending on our family circumstances. For now we continue doing the work we enjoy in the company of congenial women. "We will not rest until they can rest" is a promise we strive to honour.
February 2019